Unshipped Orders
All orders that are received through connected active marketplace stores are considered to be unshipped orders. If there are multiple stores connected to the Shiptory account, this number will represent the total of all unshipped orders as a single number. To see which spcific store received a specific number of orders, click on Show Orders under the number. This will take you to the Orders Table with tabs for each store on the left.
Orders Due Today
Orders that are due to be shipped today. Any order from this list that does not get shipped within the designated time will be deducted from the total and added to the number in the Late Orders box.
International Orders
Orders whose destination, or "ship to", address is outside of the country where the sold item is located. In case you are located in the United States, any parcel that is to be shipped out of the country - even if the buyer is domestic - is considered to be an international order.
Late Orders
Orders that have not been shipped before the assigned "ship by" date. This date is set by the marketplace at the time of purchase.
Note: All daily activity since 12:00 am midnight on the current day are presented here in simple form. There are five boxes that show numeric values for easy reference to give the user an overview of the day's orders. All numbers are reset at 12:00 am to start counting for the next day.
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